ORIGINAL 丨 HVAC High Performance Plant Room (Part 2)


3.   How to implement a High Performance Plant Room

The normal practice in PRC, system engineer calculate the cooling capacity required according to the function and architectural design of the development in the preliminary design stage, plant configuration are then selected to fulfil the extremes capacity (peak load) required and simply make sure the system is can be started up in the lowest capacity needed as the second requirement, not considering the most happened cooling range, this results in chillers running in part load operation most of the time. Major equipment such as chillers, pumps, cooling tower are normally direct purchased by the developer and are mainly driven by commercial decision without sufficient technical communication with the system engineer, ordered equipment deviate from the original design happened commonly and technically not meeting the system needs. Equipment are handed over to contractor to build the plantroom, plant engineer to operate in the later stage. Obviously, not enough technical communication from start to completion, system deviate from the original design in each stages. This traditional project operation divides a piece of professional task into different portions, each fractions to be done by a different parties who carries out their work contractually, lack of overall system thinking, system EER target lost.

High Performance Plant Room is a piece of professional work which look after the entire development of the HAVC central plant all the way from conceptual design to completion and also the first year operation at the later stage. There are 5 precise work stages as the basic requirement:

1).   Precision design stage:

  1. To stark a balance in between technical andinvestment according to the nature and size of the development to fix thetargeted system EER;

  2. To fix the parameter of HVAC terminal system such astemperature different overall water friction loss;

  3. Carry out year round (8,760 hours) HVAC cooling loadmodelling;

  4. Carry out water circuit friction loss within the central plant modelling,optimize plant room size, investment cost and power consumption;

  5. Precise plant configuration design and avoidunnecessary fittings to reduce friction lost (such as supply and returnheaders);

  6. Adopt self balancehydraulic circuit design (equivalent pipe length), for easy system balance;

  7. Use BIM drawings to ensure a better spaticarrangement;

  8. CFD modelling when necessary to analyse theventilation condition of cooling towers;

  9. Carry out the selected chillers, pumps and coolingtowers performance comparison;

  10. Carry out system operation mode performancecomparison;

  11. Need to consider thecontrol logic and system adjustment flexibility of HPP operation from this preliminarydesign stage.




2).   Precision equipment selection:

  1. Use primary energy efficient chillers, considerthe COP of constant speed chiller VS IPLV of variable speed chiller to decide number and types of chillers to be used;

  2. Select different size chillers to match cooling capacity needed and maintain   operate inhighest COP all time;

  3. Use variable flow cooling towers which can meet with different operation combination without decreasing heat rejection capability;

  4. Select low friction pipe work fittings;

  5. Use variable speed pumps which provides precise water flow to meet with actual cool load required;

  6. Use precise automationequipment, a better data measuring, system control and monitoring.


3).   Precision installation:

  1. Correct installation including major equipment , valve, fittings, senorsand controllers to ensure correct system running afterward;

  2. Carry out major equipment factory testing to ensure meeting the original technical design parameters;

  3. Avoid installing high friction fittings in hydraulic circuit;

  4. Select an appropriate location to install outdoor data collectionstation.

4).   Precision testing & commissioning:

  1. Carry out over all installation checking ensure noinstallation mistakes, and rectify deflects before trial run;

  2. Carry out system clearing thoroughly;

  3. Cooling tower water distribution balancing;

  4. Plant room water circuit balancing;

  5. Single equipment testing and trial run, collect all necessary data;

  6. Plant room automation system second programming;

  7. System testing, collect all system data;

  8. System trial run,monitor system operation and different mode condition to compare with theoriginal design, find out area of further optimization.

5).   Precision operation:

  1. Full time power consumption monitoring, look for further energy saving adjustment;

  2. Use preset operation scheme, focus on further adjustment for a better optimization on chillers, pumps, cooling tower running combination;

  3. Together with terminal data analyse the over all HVAC system energy consumption for further energy saving adjustment;

  4. To obtain a higher chiller COP by controlling numbers of towers and chillers in operation to maintain the differential water temperature from cooling towers;

  5. Continuously look for better operation to raise up the EER;


HVAC High Performance Plant Room could be achieved by using normal standard equipment, it is not necessary using high cost non-standard equipment or latest technology to complete the task, the core idea is to implement the EER concept all the way from conceptual design to project completion and the operation in the later stage without deviate from the targeted EER, doing the correct work in each stage, this could easily be done by a dedicated professional team to look after the project holistically, developer can enjoy a reasonable investment return.

China-Team adopts Standard High Performance Plant Room concept, which use normal standard

equipment and normal operation condition design to guarantee EER ≧5.0,   is the most economic HPP in the industry,advantage are:

  • Low intechnical risk

    Use standard equipment, standard HVAC operation condition(not affectingterminal equipment), easy for installation and maintenance;

  • Low inprocurement risk

    Most equipment manufacturer product can be used and may come to bid;

  • Reasonableinvestment cost
    Standard equipment at normal supply cost;

  • Reasonableand controllable installation period

    Normalequipment normal manufacturing period, normal installation technique;

    Normal installation time;

  • Easymaintenance
    Reasonable maintenance cost for standard equipment, simple spare parts supply;

  • Low ininvestment cost
    Very short pay back period (within 1 year in southern China area)

China -Team HPP group key staffs:
